Clean Up the State Owned Power Plant
Part IV
Carly Densem
February 2023

Hello Newsletter Readers!
This is Sierra Club’s intern Carly. With my final newsletter article I wanted to address two more issues that must be part of the campaign to transition the Capitol Area System (CAS), previously known as the CDECCA power plant, to a 100% renewable system.
The first is health. In 2019 Hartford had one of the most hospitalizations caused by asthma in the state and has been in the current position for more than five years. While the air quality and the number of hospital visits are going down, the numbers are still high compared to the majority of other towns. The closure of the MIRA trash incinerator in 2022 will greatly lessen the air pollution in the city – so will retrofitting the Capitol Area System to 100% renewable, clean energy. It should not have to matter where you live to have a right to good air quality and know that your children will have a small chance of having asthma. According to the state, in 2020 there were an estimated 81,000 children from the age of 0 to 17 in Connecticut. Personally, I was diagnosed with asthma when I was eight and while it’s very controlled, I live in an area where I have the luxury of not worrying about the air quality. It must be difficult to control your asthma symptoms when the air quality continues to be poor. This system becoming renewable is a chance to help not only the future energy in Hartford but also help the significant asthma and of those with respiratory conditions.
In interning with the Sierra Club I have learned a lot in terms of how nonprofits work, along with the process of improving environmental issues. I have also learned that the municipal government cannot collect property taxes from certain buildings and institutions because they are non-profit or educational institutes (colleges). Until October 2022, CAS was owned by a for-profit corporation and paid property taxes to the city of Hartford. The State of Connecticut purchased the plant, taking the property off the city’s tax rolls. Payment in Lieu of Taxes will fill the gap so that Hartford residents, who have been harmed by pollution of this plant for decades, are not financially harmed in this process.
Please join us for a Valentine's Rally for 100% Renewable Transition for the Capitol Area System on February 13 at 4 pm. RSVP and read more here.
If you still haven’t gotten a chance, please join the Sierra Club and add your name to a growing number of Connecticut residents urging Governor Lamont to commit to a 100% renewable transition for the Capitol Area System. Your support is appreciated! You have a chance to really speak up and make a difference in Hartford.
Stay Warm!
Carly Densem
Carly Densem is a former intern at Sierra Club Connecticut.
Read the first articles in this series:
Clean Up the State Owned Power Plant Part I