Chapter Chair Update
September 2019
What a summer! Let me start off by saying, the determination, resourcefulness, and dedication of the people that live in the state of Connecticut never ceases to amaze me. This summer was full of fun activities, some victories, some losses, and loads of amazing work by our volunteers and staff.
I want to give a big shout out to our volunteers that gave their time and energy to the Sierra Club events and outings this summer. Events included presentations and panels, tabling at various events, Inspiring Connection Outdoors (ICO), and Chapter outings. These events are informative and fun, spreading the message of the Sierra Club while helping us to protect, preserve, and enjoy our great state.
In case you haven’t heard, the Connecticut Siting Council, with the blessing of CT DEEP, approved the construction of another fracked gas plant, this time in Killingly. The plant is unneeded and will contribute significantly to the state’s greenhouse gas emissions. The one bright spot was the amazing response and pushback to the plant that our volunteers and allies have mounted.

Photo Caption: Pictured left to right are Ann Gadwah, Chapter Chair, William Tong, CT Attorney General, and Lori Brown, Director of CT League of Conservation Voters.
Thousands of people have spoken out in calls, emails, and letters to the editor, letting the Lamont Administration know how wrong and short sighted this plan is. Our Stop the Killingly Plant rally in front of DEEP on August 7th brought out dozens of activists, garnering great coverage in the media. Every Friday in front of the Governor’s mansion, activists have protested, telling Governor Lamont it’s time to wake up! The sheer number of people willing to speak up and take a stand against dirty energy here in the state is truly inspiring.
Some encouraging news is that a group called the Connecticut Climate Crisis Mobilization has come together to answer the call of Greta Thunberg for a world-wide strike on September 20th. The event in Connecticut will include a rally and march on the steps of the Capitol building on September 20th at 12:00PM. There will also be other events around the state during the week of September 20th-27th. To change everything, we need everyone. If interested in endorsing the event, or joining the coalition, please reach out to the group at

Looking to the future, Sierra Club Connecticut has started putting some serious thought and effort into what a Zero-Carbon Connecticut would look like and how to achieve this goal as soon as possible. Time is short to move us to a clean-energy economy before the worst effects of climate disruption are here. We must significantly act now!
I feel like there is more to say - my words cannot adequately express the gratitude I feel for our dedicated volunteers, our concerned citizen members, and our supporters who see a problem in the world and are willing to help solve it. Connecticut is a wonderful state. I am proud to be a Nutmegger and beyond proud to be the chair of Sierra Club Connecticut. Please always feel free to reach out to me with questions or suggestions. See you next month.
Ann Gadwah is Chapter Chair of Sierra Club Connecticut.