Protect Imperiled Wildlife
Kathleen Magner

Thanks to your passion and dedication, Senate Bill 925, An Act Prohibiting the Import, Sale, and Possession of African Elephants, Lions, Leopards, Black Rhinoceros, White Rhinoceros, and Giraffes, was approved by both the House and Senate and is headed to the Governor’s desk for his signature.
To put this bill over this finish line and become law, we need you to contact Governor Lamont NOW at 800-406-1527 and urge him to sign this bill into law. Be sure to state the bill number (SB 925) and your support for it, and provide your name, address and phone number. For these animals, this legislation is a matter of life or death. SB 925 will aid in the global fight to stop trophy hunting, slow down poaching and trafficking, and help to save these species from extinction.
If your legislators voted yes, please contact them with your appreciation. (Final Senate vote here. House vote here.) Thank you for all your efforts to protect these iconic animals from extinction!
Kathleen Magner is Sierra Club Connecticut’s Wildlife Committee Chair.