October Outings - Let's Get Outside!
A Photo Essay
Ann Gadwah
November 2022
Sierra Club Connecticut held three Outings this past month.
Trail Woods Outing - October 15, 2022
This outing took place at the Audubon Society’s Trail Wood Property in Hampton, CT. The property was the home of Pulitzer Prize winning author Edwin Way Teale and his wife, Nellie. We were treated to a tour of the property and a beautiful autumn hike.

Mohegan Park Outing - October 20, 2022
The Mohegan Park Outing was our first official Sierra Club Connecticut’s MIlitary Outdoors program outing. Ann Gadwah and two new volunteers for the program walked along the beautiful trails, having great conversation, and getting to know each other. Beautiful day and company.

Ann Plato Outing - October 29, 2022
The Ann Plato Outing, led by Alycia D. Jenkins, was a walking tour of Hartford, from downtown to the Trinity College Campus. The path followed Alycia’s encounter with and discovery of Ann Plato, a Hartford born, 19th century, African and Native American poet, educator and needlework stitcher.