Legislative Update
June 2021
Ann Gadwah

Greetings! Our legislative committee and staff (and supporters like you!) have been working overtime to pass important legislation that would put Connecticut on a path to the safe, healthy economy of the future. With only a few days left until the end of the session, many bills are still awaiting action. Please see our legislative page to find out which of our priority bills have passed and which are still in the process.
But first the good news. We are pleased to announce that three important bills have passed the legislature. House Bill 6503 will require large facilities to divert their food waste to composting facilities, site anaerobic digesters on farms, and create a curbside composting pilot program for municipalities. House Joint Resolution 53 adopts the Long Island Blue Plan. And House Joint Resolution 59 sets up a referendum for Connecticut voters next November to approve an amendment to the constitution that would allow early voting.
Reducing pollution and emissions, creating efficient healthy homes, and protecting the world’s biodiversity are important steps in mitigating and responding to the climate crisis. We are proud to support legislation that will be truly impactful. For instance, Senate Bill 931 will set high emission standards for medium and heavy duty vehicles, reducing transportation pollution, helping to raise air quality in our communities. Senate Bill 356 will create an energy efficiency retrofit grant program, creating healthy homes that reduce emissions for low income residents. Senate Bill 925, protects elephants, lions, leopards, rhinoceros, and giraffes from the dangers of trophy hunting and poaching.
There were many bills to address the waste management crisis in Connecticut. Senate Bill 1037’s original language would modernize Connecticut’s bottle redemption law by increasing the deposit on and including many of our most troublesome containers that end up on the side of the road or in the trash. It would also create more jobs in the redemption business and make it easier to return your containers. House Bill 6502 would ban polystyrene from cafeterias and take out, and also limiting straws and balloon releases. They are good bills, with lofty goals and again, we are proud to support them.
Take Action!
Some of these bills will make it to the governor’s desk and unfortunately some may not. There is still time to take action on the issues you care about most deeply. Please see our action alert page to send a message to your legislator to help get these bills across the finish line. Thank you for all your ongoing support. Together we will create a Connecticut that is safe, healthy, with an eye towards a clean economy future that works for all of us.
Ann Gadwah is Advocacy & Outreach Organizer with a focus on our legislative work at the State Capitol.