14 Member Legislative Committee Will Vote On Connecticut Clean Cars And Trucks In November
by Samantha Dynowski
November 2023
Urge Support so Connecticut Doesn’t Lose Out on Clean Air & Consumer Benefits. On November 28, the Legislature's Regulation Review Committee will vote on Connecticut’s adoption of two important regulations to clean up cars and trucks: the California Light Duty Vehicle Emission Standards for 2027-2035 and the Medium and Heavy-duty Emission Standards for trucks.
These vehicles are responsible for almost 40% of Connecticut’s greenhouse gas emissions and other air pollutants. Both regulations will reduce emissions
and improve local air quality and health outcomes, especially in vulnerable communities disproportionately exposed to transportation pollution. The new

regulations will do this by requiring vehicle manufacturers to offer for sale an increasing percentage of zero-emission vehicles over time, getting to 100% zero-emission new car sales by 2035.
Connecticut has successfully implemented clean car regulations for over two decades, and California Light Duty Vehicle Emission Standards for 2027-2035 is the latest iteration. The earlier version of these regulations were first adopted by the legislature in 2004 and have been updated several times since. Those regulations expire in 2025, so the proposed updates are necessary. In 2022, the legislature approved the adoption of the Advanced Clean Trucks and Low NOx Omnibus Rule.
In addition to cleaner air, better health outcomes, and limiting climate destroying greenhouse gas emissions, the regulations also have enhanced consumer benefits. These enhanced benefits are less expensive vehicles and additional warranties.
Sierra Club strongly supports these regulations. Vehicle manufacturers also support them. Many manufacturers have announced that they will be transitioning to 100% electric vehicles. But, Republican leaders in Connecticut are, with the backing of the Yankee Institute, opposing them. They have offered no solutions of their own, and they lean on fear mongering and what-ifs in their opposition. It appears that they plan to use their 7 seats on the Regulation Review Committee to attempt to overturn the will of the rest of the 187 member legislature. However, the Regulation Review committee has the responsibility “... to review regulations
proposed by state agencies and approve them before regulations are implemented. This position was adopted since all regulations have the force of law, and it is important that regulations do not contravene the legislative intent, or conflict with current state or federal laws, or state or federal constitutions.” Both of these regulations are in line with the legislative intent, and current state and federal laws and constitutions.
Please join in to urge the legislators to pass the clean cars and trucks legislation. Send a message here.
Samantha Dynowski is State Director of Sierra Club Connecticut.