A Note From Our Chapter Chair
Susan Eastwood
Summer 2023

Photo: Silver Sands State Park Beach
Photo credit: Flickr - Mr. Nixter
Welcome summer! These bright, warm summer days and vacation plans are most welcome. I hope we can all have a chance to relax and enjoy the season in the outdoors with friends and family.
Things are a little quieter now that the legislative session has ended. There were some successes and some real disappointments this year. I hope you’ll read the 2023 Connecticut Legislative Session Recap to learn how it all turned out. We’re already planning next steps for our campaigns!
I am feeling incredibly grateful for all the wonderful volunteers and members who are active with Sierra Club Connecticut and the Hartford or Shoreline Groups. I want to send out a special thanks to a few of you, but a collective thanks to all.
Kudos to the Legislative Committee, Art, Steve, Florestine, Kathleen, Tanya, Keira, Shawn, Ann and Sam, who worked tirelessly to push through new laws to protect our climate, our clean air, soil, and water, and our health.
The Wildlife Committee was busy shepherding three bills successfully through the legislative process! Congratulations!
The Military Outings Campaign is really taking off and I want to thank Ann Gadwah and Alycia Jenkins for their leadership, as well as the whole team of Veteran volunteer outings leaders. All are welcome on these hikes!
And, we all should give a round of applause to our wise and fearless leader, Sam Dynowski!
If you are a new member, or interested in volunteering, we will continue our First Thursday Education & Activist Hour on Zoom, July 6 and August 3rd at 5pm.
Since the Quinnehtukqut will be taking a break this summer, check our webpage for other upcoming events to include outings and environmental poetry workshops for young people!
I’ll look forward to seeing you back here in September.
Susan Eastwood is Chapter Chair of Sierra Club Connecticut.